Friday, January 27, 2012

Church of God

"The church of God, which He purchased with His own blood!" Acts 20:28

"Paul was in the habit of viewing the church as a purchased possession. The price paid for it was the blood of Christ, The whole church therefore, is bought and paid for! The price paid was satisfactory, and the property will all be given into the Savior's hand. The Father, who received the price, will draw all the purchased ones to the Son.

The church of Christ belongs therefore to no one but Christ. Hence the apostle says, "You are not your own—for God bought you with a high price!"

Beloved, let us view ourselves . . .as the 'PROPERTY of Jesus'; as property purchased and paid for;as property purchased at a price which no created mind can calculate; which defies all the powers of arithmetic to set forth! The precious blood of Jesus! The blood of God's own Son!

Who can conceive its value? Who can question its efficacy? Who dare trifle with it? Precious blood of Jesus, may my eye be steadily fixed on you, at all times, and in all places!" James Smith

Ahh this makes me think of what the church really is! The body of Christ with different members that serve different purposes, but all with one vital thing in common... Bought by the blood of Christ! It is definitely not a building, for many of those aren't paid for! Today let us seek to find our worth in Christ and in the fact that he paid for us,
His church!
With love,

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