Wednesday, February 1, 2012

God Alone

"I—yes, I alone—am the one who blots out your sins for My own sake and will never think of them again." Isaiah 43:25

"I—yes, I alone"—the Great, the Pure, the Holy, the Righteous God! Surely if there be one way more than another, in which God's thoughts are not as man's thoughts, it is this—pardoning the rebel, welcoming the undeserving, forgiving and forgetting. How we remember the sins and the failings of others. How we harbor the recollection of ingratitude or unkindness. We say, "I forgive, but I cannot forget." God does both. Forgiveness is with Him no effort; it is a delight—"The Lord is well pleased for His righteousness' sake."

"I—yes, I alone"—the God who for weeks and months, and, it may be, for years, we have been wearying with our iniquities, whose Book of Remembrance is crowded with the record of our guilt—"I—yes, I alone"—the very Being who has registered that guilt, is ready to take the recording pen and erase the pages thus blotted with transgression!

How can He thus forgive? How can the God who is of purer eyes than to behold iniquity, cancel the handwriting that is against us in these volumes of transgression, so that they are remembered no more? It is through the atoning work of Jesus. "The Son of man has power to forgive sins." He shed His precious blood that He might have a right to say, "Your sins, which are many, are all forgiven you." What a complete erasure! Crimson sins, scarlet sins; sins against grace, and love, and warning, and privilege—see them all cast into the depths of the sea, never again to be washed on shore!" John MacDuff

This is an amazing passage, it not only shows that Jesus is the only way, but also that He is the only reason, path, and everything. It also shows how our sins are not only forgiven but forgotten. Pray that you can truly fathom this and remove the guilt after your true repentance.
With love,

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